
2021年03月20日 11:11



2011.09-2017.07,四川农业大学,草学专业,博士 (导师:张新全教授)

2014.10-2016.11,美国普渡大学,农艺学(草抗性生理方向),联合培养博士(导师:Yiwei Jiang 教授)



2022.05-至 今,四川农业大学,娱乐城推荐 草育种与栽培系 系主任,副教授

2022.11-2023.04,新西兰梅西大学,国家留学基金委访问学者,Distinguished Guest,副教授,合作导师:Danny Donaghy 教授

2021.12-2022.05,四川农业大学,娱乐城推荐 ,副教授

2021.01-2021.12,四川农业大学,娱乐城推荐 ,讲师

2017.07-2021.01,四川农业大学,动物科技娱乐城推荐 ,讲师










7.白三叶优异种质资源挖掘及其原花青素生物合成机理研究,四川省自然科学基金项目, 2022NSFSC1619, 2022.01-2024.12, 在研, 参与





1. 国审品种“瑞文德”白三叶:(2023年,国家林业和草原局草品种审定委员会,登记号:S-IV-TR-006-2023)选育者:聂刚,闫利军,张健,龙忠富,杨廷勇,韩重阳,马啸,姚明久,李鸿祥,谢欢;申报单位:四川农业大学,四川省草原科学研究院,四川省草原工作总站、贵州省草业研究所、甘孜藏族自治州草原工作站

2. 国审品种“舒克”白三叶:(2022年,全国草品种审定委员会,登记号:608)选育者:马啸,聂刚,张新全,雷雄,赵俊茗;申报单位:四川农业大学,四川省草原科学研究院,北京猛犸种业有限公司

3. 省审品种“罗特”白三叶:(2021年,四川省草品种审定委员会,登记号:2021008)选育者:聂刚,张新全,黄琳凯,杨江山,程明军;申报单位:四川农业大学、北京百斯特草业有限公司、四川省草业技术研究推广中心

4. 国审品种“克朗德”白三叶:(2021年,国家林业和草原局草品种审定委员会,品种编号:国S-IV-TR-017-2020);选育者:姚明久,王同军,陈仕勇,聂刚,程明军,苟文龙;申报单位:四川省草业技术研究推广中心、西南民族大学、凉山彝族自治州畜牧站、四川农业大学

5. 国审品种“都脉”苇状羊茅:(2019年,全国牧草品种审定委员会审定,登记号:576)选育者:张新全,聂刚,黄琳凯,黄婷,李鸿祥;申报单位:四川农业大学

6. 国审品种“川选1号”苦荬菜:(2018年,全国牧草品种审定委员会审定,登记号:557)选育者:张新全,班骞,梁小玉,聂刚,张高;申报单位:四川农业大学、四川省畜牧科学研究院、贵州草业所

7. 国审品种“特沃”苇状羊茅:(2018年,全国牧草品种审定委员会审定,登记号:549);选育者:吴晓祥,黄琳凯,李鸿祥,聂刚,姜华;申报单位:云南省草山饲料工作站、四川农业大学,云南农业大学

8. 国审品种“川中”牛鞭草:(2022年,全国草品种审定委员会,登记号:633);选育者:黄琳凯,张新全,聂刚,王小珊,冯光燕;申报单位:四川农业大学

9. 国审品种“百诺达”多年生黑麦草:(2021年,国家林业和草原局草品种审定委员会,品种编号:国S-IV-LP-018-2020)选育者:黄琳凯,张新全,周思龙,聂刚,杨志远;申报单位:四川农业也大学、百绿(天津)国际草业有限公司

10. 国审品种“渝东”鸭茅:(2021年,全国草品种审定委员会审定,登记号:608);选育者:黄琳凯,张新全,聂刚,曾兵,冯光燕;申报单位:四川农业大学、西南大学,排名第三

11. 省审品种“巫山”鸭茅:(2018年,四川省草品种审定委员会审定,登记号:2018006);选育者:黄琳凯,张新全,聂刚,曾兵,蒋林峰;申报单位:四川农业大学、西南大学


发明专利:聂刚, 钟旻依, 张新全, 杨昕颖, 黄琳凯, 马啸, 彭燕, 闫艳红. 基于芒草转录组序列开发的内参基因及其应用(ZL201910095869.1),四川农业大学, 2020.11.27

实用新型专利: 聂刚, 张睿, 朱永群, 许文治, 徐娅玲. 一种白三叶高效播种装置(ZL202221015077.2), 四川农业大学,四川省农业科娱乐城推荐 农业资源与环境研究所,2022.04.28

实用新型专利: 聂刚, 张睿, 朱永群, 徐娅玲, 蔡家邦. 一种多年生黑麦草田间花粉隔离装置(ZL20222 0805366.6), 四川农业大学,四川省农业科娱乐城推荐 农业资源与环境研究所,2022.04.28


张新全, 聂刚, 黄琳凯, 冯光燕, 杨忠富, 李丹丹. 多年生黑麦草联合GWASRNA-seq数据挖掘关键基因分析软件.四川农业大学,2021.1.17.


1. 《西南区优良饲草基因资源发掘与聚合育种》,共234页,北京:科学出版社ISBN978-7-03-0647580,参编

2. 《中国南方牧草志 第一卷 豆科》,共805页,北京:科学出版社ISBN978-7-03-070760-4,参编

3. 《中国南方牧草志 第二卷 禾本科》,共769页,北京:科学出版社ISBN978-7-03-070761-1,参编


[1] Liao Z#, Ghanizadeh H#, Zhang X, Yang H, Zhou Y, Huang L, Zhang X, Jiang Y, Nie G*. Exogenous methyl jasmonate mediated miRNA-mRNA network improves heat tolerance of perennial ryegrass. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(13):11085.

[2] Zhongfu Yang#, Gang Nie#, Guangyan Feng, Xiaoheng Xu, Dandan Li, Xia Wang, Linkai Huang*, Xinquan Zhang*. Genome-wide identification of MADS-box gene family in orchardgrass and the positive role of DgMADS114 and DgMADS115 under different abiotic stress. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 223:129-142.

[3] Yongqun Zhu1,†, Zongchao Liao2,†, Jian Yang2, Haotian Ye2, Chongyang Han2, WenZhi Xu1 and Gang Nie2,*. Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity of Heat Tolerance among and within Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), Brazilian Journal of Botany, // 022-00854-9

[4] Jinwan Fan#, Gang Nie#, Jieyu Ma, Ruchang Hu, Jie He, Feifei Wu, Zhongfu Yang, Sainan Ma, Xin Zhang, and Xinquan Zhang*. The Identification and Characterization of the KNOX Gene Family as an Active Regulator of Leaf Development in Trifolium repens Genes (Basel), 2022, 13(10), 1778; Doi: 10.3390/genes13101778. (SCI收录IF=4.141JCRQ2,中科院大类分区3)

[5] Sainan Ma†, Ruchang Hu†, Jieyu Ma, Jinwan Fan, Feifei Wu, Yang Wang, Linkai Huang, Guangyan Feng, Dandan Li, Gang Nie*, Xinquan Zhang*, Integrative analysis of the metabolome and transcriptome provides insights into the mechanisms of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins biosynthesis in Trifolium repens, Industrial Crops and Products, (2022),

[6] Sainan Ma#, Zhongfu Yang#, Feifei Wu, Jieyu Ma, Jinwan Fan, Xintan Dong, Ruchang Hu, Guangyan Feng, Dandan Li, Xia Wang, Gang Nie*, Xinquan Zhang* R2R3-MYB gene family: Genome-wide identification provides insight to improve the content of proanthocyanidins in Trifolium repens Gene, 2022, 30;829:146523. Doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2022.146523.

[7] Feifei Wu, Jinwan Fan, Xiuwen Ye, Lili Yang, Ruchang Hu, Jieyu Ma, Sainan Ma, Dandan Li, Jiqiong Zhou, Gang Nie*, Xinquan Zhang* Unraveling Cadmium Toxicity in Trifolium repens L. Seedling: Insight into Regulatory Mechanisms Using Comparative Transcriptomics Combined with Physiological Analyses Int J Mol Sci, 2022, 21;23(9):4612. Doi: 10.3390/ijms23094612. (Q1, 中科院大类分区2区,IF=6.208)

[8] Gang Nie#, Jie Zhou#, Yiwei Jiang, Jie He, Yang Wang, Zongchao Liao, Charlotte Appiah, Dandan Li,Guangyan Feng, Linkai Huang, Xia Wang* and Xinquan Zhang*. Transcriptome characterization of candidate genes for heat tolerance in perennial ryegrass after exogenous methyl Jasmonate application BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22:68. Doi: 10.1186/s12870-021-03412-9 (Q1, 中科院大类分区2区,IF4.215)

[9] Gang Nie#,Zhongfu Yang#, Jie He#, Aiyu Liu, Jiayi Chen, Shuan Wang, Xia Wang, Guangyan Feng, Dandan Li, Yan Peng, Linkai Huang, Xinquan Zhang*.Genome-Wide Investigation of the NAC Transcription Factor Family in Miscanthus sinensis and Expression Analysis Under Various Abiotic Stress.Front. Plant Sci,2021,12:766550.

[10] Feifei Wu#, Sainan Ma#, Jie Zhou, Chongyang Han, Ruchang Hu, Xinying Yang,Gang Nie*, Xinquan Zhang*.Genetic diversity and population structure analysis in a large collection of white clover (Trifolium repensL.) germplasm worldwide.PeerJ,2021.

[11] Gang Nie#, Minyi Zhong#, Jiabang Cai, Xinying Yang, Jie Zhou, Charlotte Appiah, Mingyu Tang, Xia Wang, Guangyan Feng, Linkai Huang, Xinquan Zhang*.Transcriptome characterization of candidate genes related to chromium uptake, transport and accumulation inMiscanthus sinensis.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2021,112: 112445.

[12] Gang Nie#, Zongchao Liao#, Mingyi Zhong, Jie Zhou, Jiabang Cai, Aiyu Liu, Xia Wang, Xinquan Zhang*. MicroRNA-Mediated Responses to Chromium Stress Provide Insight Into Tolerance Characteristics of Miscanthus sinensis.Frontiers in Plant Science,2021,12: 666117.

[13] Yanning Su#, Yizhi Huang#, Xintan Dong, Ruijia Wang, Minyu Tang, Jiabang Cai, Jiayi Chen, Xinquan Zhang*,Gang Nie*. Exogenous Methyl Jasmonate Improves Heat Tolerance of Perennial Ryegrass through Alteration of Osmotic Adjustment, Antioxidant Defense, and Expression of JA Responsive Genes.Frontiers in Plant Science,2021,12:665.

[14] Gang Nie#, Xinying Yang#, Zhongfu Yang, Minyi Zhong, Yongqun Zhu, Jie Zhou, Charlotte Appiah, Zongchao Liao, Guangyan Feng, and Xinquan Zhang*.Genome-wide investigation of the NAC transcript factor family in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and expression analysis under various abiotic stressor.Genomics,2020, 4224-4231.

[15] MinyiZhong#,XinyingYang#,YiyueHu,LinkaiHuang,YanPeng,ZhouLi,QiuxuLiu,XiaWang,XinquanZhang*and GangNie*. Identification of candidate reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR in Miscanthus sinensis subjected to various abiotic stresses. Mol Biol Rep, 2020, 47: 2913–2927.

[16] Charlotte Appiah, Zhongfu Yang, Jie He, Yang Wang, Jie Zhou, Wenzhi Xu,Gang Nie*, Yongqun Zhu*,Genome-Wide Identification of Hsp90 Gene Family in Perennial Ryegrass and Expression Analysis under Various Abiotic Stresses.Plants, 2021, 10: 2509.

[17] Gang Nie#,Ting Huang#, Xiao Ma,Linkai Huang, Yan Peng, Yanhong Yan, Zhou Li, Xia Wang, Xinquan Zhang*. Genetic variability evaluation and cultivaridentification of tetraploid annualryegrass using SSR markers.PeerJ, 2019, 5:e7742.

[18] Gang Nie, Linkai Huang, Xiao Ma, Zhongjie Ji, Yajie Zhang, Lu Tang, Xinquan Zhang*. Enriching Genomic Resources and Transcriptional Profile Analysis of Miscanthus sinensis under Drought Stress Based on RNA Sequencing. International Journal of Genomics, 2017, 9184731.

[19] Gang Nie, Lu Tang, Yajie Zhang, Linkai Huang, Xiao Ma, Xin Cao, Ling Pan, Xu Zhang, Xinquan Zhang*. Development of SSR Markers Based on Transcriptome Sequencing and Association Analysis with Drought Tolerance in Perennial Grass Miscanthus from China. Front. Plant Sci. 2017, 8: 801.

[20] Gang Nie, Ming Sun, Linkai Huang, Xiao Ma, Xinquan Zhang*. Effect of moist pre-chill and dry pre-heat treatment on the germination of Miscanthus sinensis seed from southwest China. Grassland Science, 2017, 63: 93-100.

[21] Gang Nie, LinkaiHuang, XinquanZhang*, MeganTaylor, YiweiJiang, XiaoqingYu, Xinchun Liu, XinyuWang, YajieZhang. Marker-Trait Association for Biomass Yield of Potential Bio-fuel Feedstock Miscanthus sinensis from Southwest China. Front. Plant Sci. 2016, 7:802.

[22] Gang Nie, Xinquan Zhang*, Linkai Huang, Wenzhi Xu, Jian-Ping Wang, Yun-Wei Zhang, Xiao Ma, Yan-Hong Yan, Hai-Dong Yan. Genetic Varibility and Population Structure of the Potential Bioenergy Crop Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae) in Southwest China Based on SRAP Makers. Molecules, 2014, 19:12881-12897.

[23] 苏晏宁, 王芮嘉, 蔡家邦, 唐铭余, 廖宗超, 杨昕颖, 张新全, 聂刚*. 茉莉酸浸种对高温胁迫下多年生黑麦草种子发芽的影响, 草业科学, 2020, 37(3): 1-11.

[24] 马骢毓, 韩重阳, 马赛男, 李旭旭, 蔡家邦, , 张新全, 聂刚*. 基于SSR分子标记的13个白三叶(Trifolium repens L.)品种指纹图谱构建.草地学报, 2021, 9 (29): 1892-1899.

[25] 汪阳, 易莉美, 班晚婷, 闫三博, 何洁, 张新全, 聂刚*. 基于SSR分子标记的多年生黑麦草杂交F1代杂种鉴定. 中国草地学报, 2021, 11(43): 10-17.

[26] 韩重阳, 王栓, 左粟田, 闫三博, 汪阳, 蔡家邦, 马骢毓, 张新全, 聂刚*. 10个白三叶品种在成都平原的生产性能评价. 草业学报, 2022, 31(11): 105−117.