
2022年07月07日 17:49



2017.09——2021.06 四川农业大学,作物遗传育种,博士

2014.09——2017.06 四川农业大学,作物遗传育种,硕士

2010.09——2014.06 四川农业大学,农学,学士


2022.04——至  今 四川农业大学,娱乐城推荐 ,博士后







1.Kunyu Zhou#,Yu Lin#, Xiaojun Jiang, et al. Identification and validation of quantitative trait loci mapping for spike-layer uniformity in wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(3):1052.

2.Yu Lin,Kunyu Zhou, Haiyan Hu, et al. Multi-locus genome-wide association study of four yield-related traits in Chinese wheat landraces. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:665122.

3.Yu Lin, Xiaojun Jiang, Haiyan Hu, et al. QTL mapping for grain number per spikelet in wheat using a high-density genetic map. The Crop Journal, 2021, 9(5), 1108-1114.

4.Yu Lin, Guangdeng Chen, Haiyan Hu, et al. Phenotypic and genetic variation in phosphorus-deficiency-tolerance traits in Chinese wheat landraces. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 330.

5.Jun Ma#,Yu Lin#, Si Tang, et al. A genome-wide association study of coleoptile length in different Chinese wheat landraces. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11:677.

6.Yu Lin, Xiaojun Jiang, Yang Tao, et al. Identification and validation of stable quantitative trait loci for grain filling rate in common wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020, 133(8): 2377-2385.

7.Yu Lin, Xin Yi, Si Tang, et al. Dissection of phenotypic and genetic variation of drought-related traits in diverse Chinese wheat landraces. The Plant Genome, 2019, 12(3): 1-14.

8.Yaxi Liu#,Yu Lin#, Shang Gao, et al. A genome-wide association study of 23 agronomic traits in Chinese wheat landraces. The Plant Journal, 2017, 91: 861-873.

9.Yu Lin, Shihang Liu, Yaxi Liu, et al. Genome-wide association study of pre-harvest sprouting resistance in Chinese wheat founder parents. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2017, 40(3): 620-629.

10.Peng Qin#,Yu Lin#, Yaodong Hu, et al. Genome-wide association study of drought-related resistance traits inAegilops tauschii. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2016, 39(3): 398-407.