
2023年01月06日 16:00




2016.09——2022.06 四川农业大学,作物遗传育种,博士

2013.09——2016.06 四川农业大学,作物遗传育种,硕士

2009.09——2013.06 四川农业大学,中草药栽培与鉴定,学士


2023.10——至 今 四川农业大学,娱乐城推荐 ,博士后

2022.06——2023.06 新疆大学,生命科学与技术娱乐城推荐 ,讲师




1. 国家自然科学基金委员会地区科学基金项目32360308两类补血草属植物同长花柱的形成机制及其花柱长度控制基因的表达, 2024-012027-12参与

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目31970243小麦颖壳绒毛基因Hg的精细定位、克隆和功能分析,2020-012023-12参与


1. Luo W, Ma J, Zhou X-H, et al. (2016) Genetic analysis of glume hairiness (Hg) gene in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 63: 763-769 .

2. Luo W, Ma J, Zhou X-H, et al. (2016) Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling agronomic traits indicates breeding potential of Tibetan semiwild wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. tibetanum). Crop Science 56: 2410-2420.

3. Ma J#, Luo W#, Zhang H#, et al. (2017) Identification of quantitative trait loci for seedling root traits from Tibetan semi-wild wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. tibetanum). Genome 130(6):1321-1330.

4. Luo W, Qin NN, Mu Y, et al. (2018) Variation and diversity of the breakpoint sequences on 4AL for 4AL/5AL translocation in Triticum. Genome 61(9): 635-641.

5. Liu J#, Luo W#, Qin N, et al. (2018) A 55 K SNP array-based genetic map and its utilization in QTL mapping for productive tiller number in common wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131: 24392450.

6. Luo W, Liu J, Ding P, et al. (2020) Transcriptome analysis of near-isogenic lines for glume hairiness of wheat. Gene 739: 144517.

7. Zhou H#, Luo W#, Gao Shang, et al. (2021) Identification of loci and candidate genes controlling kernel weight in barley based on a population for which whole genome assemblies are available for both parents. Crop Journal 9(4): 854-861.

8. Luo W, Zhou J, Liu J, et al. (2022) Fine mapping of the Hairy glume (Hg) gene in a chromosome variation region at the distal terminus of 1AS. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1006510.