Name(in pinyin and Chinese): Yan Yanhong闫艳红
Gender: Female
Business Address:NO.211,Huimin Rd, WenjiangDistrict,Chengdu, Sichuan,P. R.China
Work Phone: +86-028-86291010
Mobile Phone: 13882430351
E-mail: [email protected]
Sep., 2005—Jun., 2010 Sichuan Agricultural University,
Ph.D., Crop Cultivation and Farming System
Thesis topic: Study on the effect and mechanism of uniconazole on seedling growth control of intercropped soybean
Sep., 2001—Jun., 2005 Sichuan Agricultural University,
B.S.,Rural Regional Development
Thesis topic: Rural Regional Development
Work Experience
Jan., 2021—Now Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University
Location:Wenjiang, Chengdu,Sichuan, China
Position or Title:Professor
Duties: TeachinginCollege of Grassland Science and Technology College
Dec., 2018—Jan., 2021 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University
Location:Wenjiang, Chengdu,Sichuan, China
Position or Title:Professor
Duties: Teaching in Grassland Science Department, Animal Science and Technology College
Dec., 2015— Jan., 2017 Employer:UW-Madison, US
Location:Visiting Scholar.,Department of Agriculture and Dairy Science;
Position or Title:Visiting Scholar
Duties:Study on The Effect of Lactobacillus on Fermentation Quality of Wrapped Corn Silage
Jan., 2012—Nov., 2018 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University
Location:Wenjiang, Chengdu,Sichuan, China
Position or Title:Associate professor
Duties: Teaching in Grassland Science Department, Animal Science and Technology College
Oct., 2012—Oct., 2015 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University
Location:Wenjiang, Chengdu,Sichuan, China
Position or Title:Postdoctor
Duties: Teaching in Grassland Science Department, Animal Science and Technology College
Jul., 2010—Dec., 2011 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University,
Location:Wenjiang, Chengdu,Sichuan, China
Position or Title:lectorate
Duties: Teaching in Grassland Science Department, Animal Science and Technology College
Awards and Group Memberships
The Undergraduate Quality Class Teaching of Sichuan Agricultural University Award (Second-class), Sichuan Agricultural University, China, 2018
The Crop Science and Technology Progress Award (First-class), The Crop Science Society, China, 2017
The teaching achievement Award (Second-class), Sichuan Agricultural University, China, 2017
The Science and Technology Progress Award (First-class), Sichuan Province, China, 2016
The Undergraduate Quality Class Teaching of Sichuan Agricultural University Award (Second -class), Sichuan Agricultural University, China, 2012
The Academic and Technical Leader Reserve Candidate, Sichuan, China, 2013
Major Research ProjectsInvolved:
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC,Grant number:32001401),2021-2023.
The Chunhui Program of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant number:20191383), 2019-2021.
The International Cooperation Project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (Grant number:2021YFH0155), 2021-2023.
Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance and Agriculture, Special Supported Project (Grant number:201835), 2018-2021
The Key Research and Development Project of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (Grant number:2021YFN0059), 2021-2024.
1.TairuZeng,XiaolinLi,HaoGuan,WenyuYang,XiaomeiLi,,XinquanZhang,LinkaiHuang,YanhongYan⁎. 2020.Dynamic microbial diversity and fermentation quality of the mixed silage of corn and soybean grown in strip intercropping system.Bioresource Technol.313,123655.
2.Yan, Y.H, Li, X.M., Guan, H.,et al.. 2019. Microbial community and fermentation characteristic of Italian ryegrass silage prepared with corn stover and lactic acid bacteria. Bioresource Technol. 279, 166-173.
3.Yan YH, Li JL, Zhang XQ, et al.Effect of Naphthalene Acetic Acid on Adventitious Root Development and Associated Physiological Changes in Stem Cutting ofHemarthria Compressa. PLoS ONE, 2013, 9(3):e90700. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090700.
4.Yan YH, Wan Y, Liu WG, et al.Influence of Seed Treatment with Uniconazole Powder on Soybean Growth, Photosynthesis, Dry Matter Accumulation after Flowering and Yield in Relay Strip Intercropping System. Plant production science, 2015, 18(3): 295-301.
5.Yan YH, Gong WZ, Yang WY, et al. Seed Treatment with Uniconazole Powder Improves Soybean Seedling Growth under Shading by Corn in Relay Strip Intercropping System. Plant production science, 2010, 13(4): 367-374.
6.Hao Guan#,Yanhong Yan#, Xiaomei Li,et al.Microbial communities and natural fermentation of corn silages prepared with farm bunker-silo in Southwest China. Bioresource Technology, 2018, (265): 282-290.
7.Wan Y#,Yan YH#, Xiang DB, et al.Isoflavonoid Accumulation Pattern as Affected by Shading from Maize in Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merr.) in Relay Strip Intercropping System. Plant production science, 2015, 18(3): 302-313.