
Resume of Xiao Ma
2021年05月24日 16:16

Name(in pinyin and Chinese):Xiao Ma马啸


Business Address:NO.211,Huimin Rd, WenjiangDistrict,Chengdu, Sichuan,P. R.China

Work Phone: +86-28-86290908

Mobile Phone: 13882449603

E-mail: [email protected]

Professional title: Professor

Specialty: Grass Breeding and Genetics

Department/college:College of Grassland Sci. & Tech., Sichuan Agricultural University


Sep., 2004—Jul., 2008 Sichuan Agricultural University,

                        Ph.D., Forage Science

                        Thesis Topic: Studies on Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in wild germplasm collections of Siberianwildrye(Elymus sibiricus L.)

Sep., 1999—Jul., 2002 Sichuan Agricultural University,

                        M. S.,Biochemicals andMolecular biology

                        Thesis Topic: Preliminarystudy onvariation ofprogenies from awide Cross betweenwheat andrye

Sep., 1995—Jul., 1999 ShandongNormalUniversity,


Professional Experience

Jul., 2002--May, 2003 Employer:Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

                       Location:Chengdu,Sichuan, China

                       Position or Title: Research Associate

                       Duties:ResearchinEcological Restoration Biodiversity Conservation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province

June, 2003--Dec., 2004 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University

                        Location:Ya’an,Sichuan, China

                        Position or Title:Teaching assistant

                        Duties: TeachinginCollege of Animal Science and Technology

Jan., 2005-- Dec., 2009 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University

                         Location:Ya’an,Sichuan, China

                         Position or Title:Lecturer

                         Duties: TeachinginCollege of Animal Science and Technology

Jan., 2010--Dec., 2014 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University

                        Location:Ya’an,Sichuan, China

                        Position or Title: Associate Professor

                        Duties:Teaching in theCollege of Animal Science and Technology

Jan., 2015—Jan., 2021 Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University

                        Location:Wenjiang, Chengdu,Sichuan, China

                        Position or Title:Professor

                        Duties:Teaching in the College of Animal Science and Technology

Jan., 2021--Now Employer:Sichuan Agricultural University

                 Location:Wenjiang, Chengdu,Sichuan, China

                 Position or Title:Professor

                 Duties: Teachinginthe College of Grassland Science and Technology

Honors and Awards

State Council Government special allowance Obtained Expert (2018)

Outstanding teacher of National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China (2019)

2017NationalScientific and Technological Progress Second Class AwardofChinaGovernment. (Ranked 3)

2018-2019 Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology Award of Ministry of Agriculture of China (Outstanding innovation team prize, Ranked 3)

2008 Science and Technology ProgressFirstClass Award of Sichuan Provincial Government, China. (Ranked 4)

2016 Science and Technology ProgressSecondClass Award of Sichuan Provincial Government, China. (Ranked 3)

2020 Science and Technology Progress Third Class Award of Sichuan Provincial Government, China. (Ranked 3)

2014-2015 Chinese Agricultural Science and TechnologySecondClass Award of Ministry of Agriculture of China (Research achievement, Ranked 5)

Major Research Grant ProgramsInvolved:

1. Biological Genetic Resources Management Project, National Forestry and Grassland Administration(Grant number:KJZXSA202102),2021.05-2022.4.

2. Demonstration projects of promoting forestry and grassland science and technology funded by the central government,National Forestry and Grassland Administration,2021.01-2022.12.

3. General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant number:31772661),2018.01-2021.12

4. High quality and yield forage variety screening, Sichuan Beef Cattle Industry Technology Innovation Team, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department of Sichuan Province, 2021-2025

5. Breeding of new varieties of stress-resistant ecological grass and the demonstration of management techniques of degraded grassland, Key Science and Technology Program of Sichuan Province (Grant number:2019YFN0170), Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province.


  • Refereed Journal Publications:

  1. Sun M, Dong ZX, Yang J, Wu WD, Zhang CL, Zhang JB, Zhao JM, Xiong Y, Jia SG,Ma X*. Transcriptomic resources for prairie grass (Bromus catharticus): expressed transcripts, tissue-specific genes, and identification and validation of EST-SSR markers. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, Accepted.

  2. Xiong Y, Lei X, Bai SQ, Xiong Y, Liu WH, Wu WD, Yu QQ, Dong ZX, Yang J,Ma X*. Genomic survey sequencing, development and characterization of single-and multi-locus genomic SSR markers ofElymus sibiricusL.[J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21(1): 1-12.

  3. Yu QQ, Liu ZC, Xiong Y, Xiong YL, Nie C, Gao HD, Liu WH,Ma X*. 2021.Comparative and phylogenetic analysis of complete chloroplast genome sequences of two wildrye grassesElymus sibiricusandE. nutans(Triticeae, Poaceae). Intl J Agric Biol, 2021, 25(6):1203‒1212.

  4. Xiong Y, Xiong YL, Yu QQ, Zhao J, Lei X, Dong ZX, Yang J, Song SJ, Peng Y, Liu WH,Ma X*. Genetic variability and structure of an important wild steppe grassPsathyrostachys juncea(Triticeae: Poaceae) germplasm collection from north and central Asia[J]. PeerJ, 2020, 8: e9033.

  5. Xiong YL, Xiong Y, He J, Yu QQ, Zhao JM, Lei X, Dong ZX, Yang J, Peng Y, Zhang XQ,Ma X*. The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Two Important Annual Clover Species,Trifolium alexandrinumandT. resupinatum: Genome Structure, Comparative Analyses and Phylogenetic Relationships with Relatives in Leguminosae[J]. Plants-Basel, 2020, 9(4):478.

  6. Lei X, Liu WH, Zhao JM, You MH, Xiong CH, Xiong Y, Xiong YL, Yu QQ, Bai SQ*,Ma X*. Comparative Physiological and Proteomic Analysis Reveals Different Involvement of Proteins during Artificial Aging of Siberian Wildrye Seeds[J]. Plants-Basel, 2020, 9, 1370.

  7. Yu QQ, Liu Q, Xiong Y, Xiong YL, Dong ZX, Yang J, Liu W,Ma X*, Bai SQ*. Genetic Diversity and Population Divergence of a Rare, Endemic Grass (Elymus breviaristatus) in the Southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(20): 5863.

  8. Wu WD, Liu WH, Sun M, Zhou JQ, Liu W, Zhang CL, Zhang XQ, Peng Y, Huang LK,Ma X*. Genetic diversity and structure ofElymus tangutorumaccessions from western China as unraveled by AFLP markers[J]. Hereditas, 2019, 156(1): 8.

  9. Xiong YL, Liu WH, Xiong Y, Yu QQ,Ma X*, Lei X, Zhang XQ, Li DX. 2019. Revelation of genetic diversity and structure of wildElymus excelsus(Poaceae: Triticeae) collection from western China by SSR markers[J]. PeerJ, 2019, 7: e8038

  10. Zhang CL, Sun M, Zhang XQ, Chen SY, Nie G, Peng Y, Huang LK,Ma X*. AFLP-based genetic diversity of wild orchardgrass germplasm collections from Central Asia and Western China, and the relation to environmental factors. PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(4): e0195273.

  11. Zhang C, Zhang JB, Fan Y, Sun M, Wu WD, Zhao WD, Yang XP, Huang LK, Peng Y,Ma X*. Genetic Structure and Eco-Geographical Differentiation of Wild Sheep Fescue in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Molecules, 2017, 22, 1316.

  12. Guo ZH, Fu KX, Zhang XQ, Zhang CL, Sun M, Huang T, Peng Y, Huang LK, Yan YH,Ma X*. SSRs transferability and genetic diversity of three allogamous ryegrass species[J]. Comptes rendus biologies, 2016, 339(2): 60-67

  13. Gu XY, Guo ZH,Ma X*, Bai SQ, Zhang XQ, Zhang CB, Chen SY, Peng Y, Yan YH, Huang LK. Population genetic variability and structure ofElymus breviaristatusendemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau inferred from SSR markers. Biochem Syst Ecol,2015,58:247-256.

  14. Ma X, Zhang XQ, Zhou YH, Bai SQ, Liu W. Assessing genetic diversity ofElymus sibiricuspopulations from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by ISSR markers. Biochem Syst Ecol, 2008, 36(7): 514-522.

  15. Ma X, Chen SY, Zhang XQ, Bai SQ, Zhang CB. Assessment of worldwide genetic diversity of Siberian wild rye (Elymus sibiricusL.) germplasm based on gliadin analysis[J]. Molecules, 2012, 17(4): 4424-4434.

  16. Ma X, Chen SY, Bai SQ, Zhang XQ*, Li DX, Zhang CB, Yan JJ. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity and population structure ofElymus sibiricus(Poaceae) native to the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China[J].Genet. Mol. Res, 2012, 11(3): 2708-2718.

  17. Fan Y, Zhang CL, Wu WD, He W, Zhang L,Ma X*. Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Structure Pattern ofIndigofera Pseudotinctoriain Karst Habitats of the Wushan Mountains Using AFLP Markers[J]. Molecules, 2017, 22(10): 1734.

  18. Sun M, Zhang CL, Zhang XQ, Fan Y, Fu KX, Wu WD, Bai SQ, Zhang JB, Peng Y, Huang LK,Ma X*. 2017. AFLP assessment of genetic variability and relationships in an Asian wild germplasm collection of Dactylis glomerata L.[J]. Comptes rendus biologies, 340(3): 145-155.

  19. Fu KX, Guo ZH, Zhang XQ, Fan Y, Wu WD, Li DX, Peng Y, Huang LK, Sun M, Bai SQ,Ma X*. Insight into the genetic variability analysis and cultivar identification of tall fescue by using SSR markers[J]. Hereditas, 2016, 153(1): 1-9

  20. Guo ZH, Fu KX, Zhang XQ, Bai SQ, Fan Y, Peng Y, Huang LK, Yan Y, Liu W,Ma X*. Molecular insights into the genetic diversity ofHemarthria compressagermplasm collections native to southwest China[J]. Molecules, 2014, 19(12): 21541-21559.

  21. Wang X#,Ma X#, Huang LK, Zhang XQ. Identification of the valid reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR in annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) under salt stress[J]. Molecules, 2015, 20(3): 4833-4847.

  • Book and Chapters :

    [1]. Associate Chief Editor. Research and Utilization of Germplasm Resources ofElymus sibiricusL.(In Chinese), 2020, Science Press, Beijing, China.

    [2]. Associate Chief Editor. Cultivation and Utilization of Forage Plants in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(In Chinese), 2020, Science Press, Beijing, China.

    [3]. Associate Chief Editor. Specifications and Standards for Description of Germplasm Resources ofDactylis glomerataL., China Agriculture Press, 2010, Beijing, China.

    [4]. Executive editor. Textbook of Forage Biotechnology, 2012, China Agricultural University Press, Beijing, China.

    [5]. Executive editor. Pasture and Turfgrass Seed Science and Technology, Textbook for Postgraduate Students of Pratacultural Science,2012, China Agricultural University Press, Beijing, China.

    [6]. Executive editor. Research on the Discovery and Innovative Utilization of Germplasm Resources ofDactylis glomerata, 2015, Science Press, Beijing, China.

    [7]. Executive editor. Multiple Uses and Sustainable Utilization of Grassland in Western Ethnic Regions, 2016, Sichuan Minzu Press, Chengdu, China.