Name(in pinyin and Chinese): Bai Yanfu白彦福
Business Address:NO.211,Huimin Rd, WenjiangDistrict,Chengdu, Sichuan,P. R.China
Work Phone: +86-28-86291905
Mobile Phone: 17339800971
E-mail:[email protected]
September, 2017-Jun.2021Lanzhou University,PhDstudent
PhD Specialization:restoration for extremely
degraded alpine meadow
September, 2014-Jun. 2017 Lanzhou University,Masterstudent
Master Specialization:Grazingbehavior andalpine
grassland ecology
September.2010- Jun.2014 Gansu Agricultural University,
Bachelor Major: Rangeland ecology
Work Experience
September, 2021- Sichuan Agricultural University,
Associate professor
Awards and Group Memberships
September. 2021Awarded the Outstanding Youth Talentof Sichuan Agricultural University, China.
November. 2020Awarded the Gold Medalof“Outstanding Young Talents”, State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, China.
September. 2020Awarded the excellent PHDScholarship,Ministry of Education, China.
August. 2020Awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship to approal study to Queensland University, Australian,ChinaScholarshipCouncil.
September. 2019TheFirstPrize Scholarshipfor PHD student, Lanzhou University.
Major Research ProjectsInvolved:
1.July, 2017-PresentWorkingonprogram“Simulating the impact of Sown Restoration for degraded alpine grasslandon ecosystem servicestrade-offsin Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China”funded byNational KeyResearch&Development.ProjectNO:(2016YFC0501906).
2.July, 2015-September, 2015worked as a team member of project entitled“Study on classification and dynamic support of grassland in alpine region”funded byQinghai Provincial Department of Science and Technology Support Project Project NO:2013-N-146-4.The main work included dynamic monitoring of grassland nutrition in hyperspectral remote sensing,QinghaiProvince using GPS and Remote sensing techniques.
3.July, 2015-September, 2015Worked as a team member of project entitled“GansuProvince-International Center for Integrated Mountain Development”funded by ICIMODProject NO:054000014.The grazing behavior of yaks based on 3S technologywas conducted in Guoluo area, Qinghai Province.
4.June, 2014- September, 2015Worked as a team member of project entitled“Comprehensive Protection of Biodiversity in Alpine Grassland”funded by National Natural Science Foundation ofChina project NO:043217.The experiment was conducted to study the effects of carbon and nitrogen addition on the species diversity and biomass of alpine meadow communities in Naqu, Tibetan.
BaiYF#,MaLN#,DegenAA,RafiqMK,KuzyakovY,ZhaoJX,ZhangR,ZhangT,WangWY,LiXG, Long RJ, Shang ZH*(2020). Long-term active restoration of extremely degraded alpine grassland accelerated turnover and increased stability of soil carbon.Global Change Biology.26:7217-7228.(Q1)
Bai YF#, GuoCC#, DegenAA, AhmadAA, WangWY, ZhangT, LiWY, MaL, HuangM, ZengHJ, QiLY, LongRJ, ShangZH*(2020). Climate Warming Benefits Alpine Vegetation Growth inThree-River Headwater Region, China.Science of the Total Environment.742:140574.(Q1)
BaiYF#, GuoCC#, LiSS, DegenAA, AhmadAA, WangWY, ZhangT, HuangM, ShangZH* (2021). Instability of decoupling livestock greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth in livestock products in the Tibetan highland.Journal ofEnvironmental Management.287:112334.(Q1)
Bai YF#, Rafiq MK#, Li SS, Degen AA, Mašek, Ondrˇej, Sun HW, Han HW, Wang T, Joseph S, Bachmann RT, Rajesh KS, Long RJ, Shang ZH* (2021). Biochar from pyrolyzed Tibetan Yak dung as a novel additive in ensiling sweet sorghum: An alternate to the hazardous use of Yak dung as a fuel in the home.Journal of Hazardous Material. 403: 123647. (Q1)
RafiqMK#,BaiYF#, Rukhsanda A, RafiqMT, Mašek,Ondrˇej, BachmannRT, JosephS, ShahbazM, ShangZH*, DanaeeM, LongRJ*(2019). Biochar amendment improves alpine meadows growth and soil health in Tibetan plateau over a three-year period.Science of the Total Environment. 717:135296.(Q1) (Co-first author)
Chen XP, Zhang T, Guo RY, Li HY, Zhang R, Degen AA, Huang KW, Wang XM,Bai YF,Shang ZH*(2021).Fencing enclosure alters nitrogen distribution patterns and tradeoff strategies in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Catena. 197:104948.(Q1)
Tian LH,Bai YF, Wang WW, Qu GP, Deng ZH, Li RH, Zhao JX* (2020). Warm- and cold- season grazing affect plant diversity and soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration differently in Tibetan alpine swamp meadows.Plant Soil.
ZhangR, DegenAA,BaiYF, ZhangT, WangXM, ZhaoXY, ShangZH* (2020). The forb, Ajania tenuifolia, uses soil nitrogen efficiently, allowing it to be dominant over sedges and Graminae in extremely degraded grasslands: Implications for grassland restoration and development on the Tibetan Plateau.Land Degradation & Development. 31(10):1265-1276.(Q1)
Zhang T, Chen XP, Guo RY, Degen AA, Kam M, Zhao JX, Wang XM,Bai YF,Wang WY, Zhang R, Li YF, Liu Y, Long RJ, Xie ZK, Shang ZH*(2020). Natural primary production mediates the effects of nitrogen and carbon addition on plant functional groups biomass and temporal stability in the Tibetan alpine steppe-meadow.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 302:107080.(Q1)
Li Y, Degen AA, Sun T, WangWY,BaiYF,Zhang T, Long RJ, Shang ZH*(2020). Three years of cultivating or fencing lands have different impacts on soil nutrients and properties of a subalpine meadow in the Tibetan plateau.Catena. 186:104306.(Q1)